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Clogged Meibomian oil glands are regarded as the most common cause for dry eyes. Physical therapy (warming, massage, cleaning) can improve the gland function according to studies.
Physical Warming Therapy aims to improve the gland function
In addition to simple Eyelid Hygiene & Lidcare and to tear suppplements (´artificial tears´), a BASIC-Physical Therapy is typically recommended in Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).
The warming therapy is performed at home. Either with simple measures or with the help of warming masks. They make it easier to get the necessary temperature and to hold it for the necessary time in order to re-liquefy the inspissated oil inside the Meibomian glands. An electrically heated goggle-type device with moisture certainly allows best comfort for the daily therapy and provides good effectiveness, according to scientific studies.
Meibomian gland BASIC-Therapy (Physical eyelid therapy) consists of:
warming the eyelids to re-liquefy the hardened oil in the blocked glands
careful eyelid massage to express the warmed oil out of the glands
cleaning the eyelid margin (eyelid hygiene) - to remove inflammation promoting depositions
=> here you will find a detailed description of the physical eyelid therapy.
Aids for the BASIC-Therapy at home
There are several aids for home BASIC therapy for dry eyes due to Meibomian gland disorders, including small devices that can make daily treatment easier:
Useful aids help to create and maintain the correct temperature - instead of using a damp cloth, which must be re-warmed every 2 minutes with uncertain control of temperature. There are e.g:
heated masks, which are usually filled with a gel (Gel Masks), sometimes also with other materials
an innovative electrically heated goggle-style mask (Blephasteam) with a combination therapy of heat and moisture for the treatment of dry eyes due to Meibomian gland disorders. It maintains the desired temperature for a desired period of time and additionally creates moisture inside the mask to soften encrustations and cornifications on the edge of the eyelid
For cleaning and care of the eyelids and especially of the eyelid margin, complete treatment sets are available from commercial suppliers. These contain all the necessary items and can facilitate regular daily eyelid care at home.
Meibomian gland BASIC Therapy at home
Eyelid Cleaning (HYGIENE) and, if necessary, DEMODEX therapy
=> HERE you will find innovative and more comfortable and typically also more effective options of APPARATIVE therapy for dry eyes with a dysfunction of the Meibomian glands